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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  October 22, 2012 6:00am-9:00am PDT

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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: hello tv world. happy monday morning. jacki schechner newswoman extraordinaire, are you getting ready for your debate special today? >> i am! ready to have you guys back in the news plexocenter. >> stephanie: people keep grabbing me by the lapels, what's going on with the polls. look i'm not in sure. just get out and vote and stop stressing me out. >> we didn't talk a lot of politics. >> people think you're mr. rasmussen. >> stephanie: do i look like
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mrs. gallup? how the hell do i know? very, very close is all i know. we'll talk more about it. that whole like how could this possibly be this close? >> i hope the president crushes him like a bug tonight. >> we'll see what happens. >> stephanie: yes. here she is, jacki schechner in the current news center. >> good morning. happy monday. tonight's third and final presidential debate is all about foreign policy or at least it is supposed to be. politico emphasizes it will be important for both candidates to link u.s. foreign policy to what's going on with the economy here at home. for example, right now, bain owns sensata technologies is getting ready to ship 170 jobs to china. workers in freeport, illinois have been asking mitt romney to say something. it will be interesting to see if either moderator or candidate brings up those loss. the obama campaign out with a new television ad juxtaposing his and mitt romney's stance on
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the wars in iraq and afghanistan. here is a bit of that spot linking the u.s. foreign policy with domestic progress. >> obama's brought 30,000 soldiers back from afghanistan and has a responsible plan to end the war. romney calls it bobble's biggest mistake. it is time to stop fighting over there and start rebuilding here. >> we're also bound to hear more on the attacks in libya and our consulate in benghazi and how the administration has been handling communications in the aftermath. romney also is going to bring up iran. i'm sure both will bring up iran. mitt romney refused to say whether or not he would have one on one talks with the country. he says he wants to tighten sanctions but he hasn't specified how he would do that. the reports are the sanctions already in place are working. so far iran's currency has been stifle and the value of its money has been dropping. keep in mind, although the president wasn't terribly experienced in foreign policy when he took office four years ago, he is now and as he joked last week, spoiler alert we got
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bin laden. we'll be back with more steph after the break. current tv presents special event coverage of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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♪ ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant ♪ [ male announcer ] red lobster's hitting the streets to tell real people about our new 15 under $15 menu. oh my goodness! oh my gosh this looks amazing! that's a good deal! [ man ] wow! it is so good! [ male announcer ] our new maine stays! 15 entrees under $15 seafood, chicken and more! oo! the tilapia with roasted vegetables! i'm actually looking at the wood grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. you so fascinated by the prices, you keep rambling on! i know! -that pork chop was great! -no more fast food friday's! so we gotta go! we're going to go to red lobster. yep. [ male announcer ] try our 15 under $15 menu and sea food differently!
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: wahoo! yes, it is. it is debate night and sexy liberal in new york city week, everybody. that's why i'm wearing my sexy t-shirt boogidy boogidy t-shirt. in honor of aisha tyler. steph, my partner and i will be at our fourth sexy liberal show saturday. >> that's just excessive.
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you need help. >> stephanie: i managed to drag her throughout the country feeding my sexy liberal addiction. can't wait for the festivities. >> stephanie: me neither! everybody calm down. [ screaming ] big show today. rude pundit eric boehlert rog mocha. representative meeks all on the big monday show. it is pundit palooza for debate night. i can't go to parties anymore because people keep grabbing my by lapels. everybody thinks i'm in charge of thinks. what is going on? [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] is he going to win? [ screaming ] >> they think you're mrs. rasmussen. >> stephanie: hello. i'm mrs. gallup. how are you? >> why the long face? >> get it? gallup? >> oh, lord, it's monday. >> stephanie: everybody try to
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remain calm. remain calm! i know. literally nbc is saying 47/47 but -- it clearly -- there's tightening in the what you call it but nate silver -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] battleground. nate silver who we had on last week -- >> he says nothing has changed. >> stephanie: friday, obama 291. romney 246. where is my recycle thing? okay, never mind. >> the lecral always looks more hopeful than the popular vote. >> stephanie: nate silver, he's, to me, always the best numbers guy. he's been proven the most historically correct. he says national polls published in the last 24 hours obamael plus 3.2 obama up 3 obama up 3, obama up 1. obama up .6, obama up .5. the gallup poll is what's freaking people out. >> it is a national poll.
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>> stephanie: that's why people think it is an outliar because is gallup heading for another big miss? national polls, all of them show a margin within two or three points. most of them, obama up. all of them with one exception gallup tracking. shows mitt romney -- that's what people were freaking out. like six or seven points. gallup is without question the biggest outlier among all of the national polls. two years ago, gallup was the biggest outliar in the 2010 election. they were going to win by 15 points. they won by 7 so they overestimated by double. so what they're saying, the other factor, explain why it might -- be an outliar, there are voter samples to be substantially underrepresenting nonwhite voters in this particular -- >> we don't vote in national elections. we vote for electoral colleges in each state. so i just don't know why we take
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national polls like that because that's not the way we vote as americans. >> we're pretending it doesn't work that way. >> stephanie: we're all really tense about the horse race. it is a horse race. okay. >> how do we win? >> stephanie: dan rather come up with stuff like that. >> tighter than a penguin's -- >> stephanie: sphincter. >> all gallup has to do is take statistics 101 to find out what they're doing is useless. >> that's what's on their business card. we're completely useless. >> stephanie: you know, i have -- speaking of polls, so this last -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] cnn poll. 51% say obama won. 38% said romney. independents broke 54% obama. 33% romney. a lot of it was the overwrought reaction to the debate. >> i think they're talking to
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the wrong polls. that guy is totally unreliable. don't even factor that guy. >> terribly unreliable poll. >> stephanie: how many votes? being a happy clappy liberal -- >> oh, dear. >> stephanie: pardon me. >> stephanie: how the liberal media might have contributed to obama's post-debate downfall. again, thus far. it is always talked about but rarely examined. republican's reaction to a crisis and monumental disappointment versus democratic reaction to the same. the different difference was never on such wide-eyed displays following the first two debates between the presidential contenders. this is debate night. according to numerous polls most people decided romney won. president obama came out on top in the second debate. looking at the democratic reaction to the first debate and republican reaction to mitt romney's debate is looking at yourself in the fun house mirror. you think you look tall, thin
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and then next you're short fat and big. liberals and democrats especially in the media proceed immediately to the nearest cliff and jumped off without a last cigarette. they screamed and yell and lit their hair on fire. until the post-debate comment air rirks i was reading the blogs, none of them described obama as doing badly. some noted he seemed to come alive at the end and some called it a tie but boy when the debate was over and the doors flung open -- >> what the hell happened? >> stephanie: chris matthews were going to have a stroke. dear god! that's why the president joked about it. he escaped chris matthews' stroke. all it took for liberal america to fall out of love with barack obama was one bad debate. following the second debate, republicans were defiant in their belief that mitt romney had won and even more assured obama was classless. romney a bad night and obama had
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a bad night and liberals lit into obama. thank you. this is a fine american. i'm not done. i'm not reading the whole thing. >> the fact that tagg wanted to take a swing at him proves it. he lost it. >> stephanie: romneys are decidedly poor losers. they'll stick with their candidates like krazy glue regardless of what they say behind closed doors. they're unified. i think the polls have rewarded them. they've proven once again they're they're own worst enemy. liberals, get a grip. how do you expect to someone to stand up for you when you're waiting for the first sign of trouble to throw them under the bus. regardless of what you're voting for, the issues or policies are what mattered most not who can lie in the 90-minute debate. unless that's our first and foremost concern, this country is in deeper trouble than any of us realize. d from plano texas posted that on the interweb. what do you think of that?
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>> neato. >> stephanie: don't get rom neisha. ♪ you used to laugh ♪ ♪ you used to write ♪ ♪ ♪ romnesia ♪ ♪ you have romnesia ♪ ♪ yes you'll change your mind again you know, romnesia ♪ ♪ you have romnesia ♪
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♪ romnesia ♪ >> i was racking my brain trying to figure out what the original song was for that. >> i need you. >> was it bread? >> someone knows. >> stephanie: clearly does. someone. not us. >> wait. >> america i think. >> stephanie: thissine led to a new game. >> i did it to be quicker. >> sometimes your brain can be challenged. >> that's why we created roms noity. they look like simple games but they help eliminate romnesia. >> it is like a personal trainer for your brain using the science of neurotic plastic tour bagri. eliminate romnesia.
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[ applause ] >> stephanie: the gender gap disappears. 17, 18 points in the polls. actually pollsters? i gotta find the story. they actually use the word, a lot of women in the last debate thought romney seemed douchey. [ applause ] they're stephanie miller show listeners. all right. and then heading into the foreign policy debate tonight what better headline, chris than fox admits libya attack may be sparked by video. there goes that talking point mittens. >> you know who did the admitting on the air? >> stephanie: geraldo. >> and peter ducey. >> stephanie: is that different than steve ducey? >> peter is steve's son. in the worst case of nepotism ever. >> douchey and douchier. >> stephanie: exactly. that's the republican ticket. douchey and douchier. [ ♪ circus ♪ ]
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okay. lots to get to on debate night. we continue rude pundit next on "the stephanie miller show." >> romney: i love it. it is a fabulous program. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." (vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage.
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that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. [ music ] >> announcer: stephanie miller . >> stephanie: mm-hmm, okay, all >> stephanie miller. ♪ i'm a new soul ♪ ♪ i would learn about how to give-and-take ♪ ♪
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>> stephanie: la, la, la, la, la la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. okay. doesn't that calm you down about the election? >> that smell just hit me. >> stephanie: 21 minutes after the hour. >> what? >> stephanie: i make the best salmon in the history of salmon. you ought to try some! >> how much garlic do you need for that recipe? >> stephanie: a lot. >> oh, my god! my eyes are starting to water. >> stephanie: you don't want to date me and kiss me? >> no. for many reasons. >> stephanie: darn it! all right. stop it. let's get rude everybody. you weren't doing your job, were you? ♪ >> i can't see the board. my eyes are watering. >> stephanie: good morning rude pundit. >> salmon tastes like garlic? >> you can smell the garlic fish
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from there can't you? >> stephanie: good morning rudeness. happy debate night. >> stephanie: i love your stuff on the last debate by the way. that was an ass kicking. for most of the 100 minutes or so, obama was not the usual punk ass democrat trying to find places to agree with the republican. he was the ass kicker in chief talking audience to school again and again. if this was the first -- while obama will still eek out a victory, it would be nice to put it away. >> just that one debate. >> right. i think what it did was it turned the number of people off and i think that -- i never thought he was going to lose. i just wanted it to be -- well, in honor of him a nixon mcgovern type of situation. >> stephanie: well, i mean, so what do you think? what's your point? what are you thinking now? >> i think -- oh, what do i think now? >> i actually think there is an
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outside chance that romney will win the popular vote. i think obama's got the electoral college but romney will win the popular vote. what will be fascinating is see how insane republicans go trying to validate the election. >> stephanie: let me say here on al gore's network that has never, ever happened. >> never in the history of ever. >> no. certainly wouldn't want -- simply wouldn't want to be hypocrites about it. >> stephanie: here's the fun thing that we're waiting for for tonight. we were already saying that not only did romney blow it big time on libya in the last debate, now, of course, information is coming out that likely was caused by this video. their only talking point. you at a romney, the man can't stand it when he's challenged, especially with his own words used against him. his face gets flushy and he gets all breathy and frantic as if he's about to blow a gasket. ann will have to be brought in to stabilize him.
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>> or run some cheese under his -- or rub some cheese under his chin or something. >> ann: stop it. >> some garlicky fish. >> stephanie: ever since the republican primaries is he really does, man, he gets sketchy. >> romney is used to being the guy in charge. that's one of the things that democrats bring up in -- that worked with him in massachusetts. that this is a guy who would get huffy and upset whenever he wasn't absolutely getting his way. so i wanted obama to just -- if he had called him a liar a couple more times i mean first of all there's tagg romney which maybe -- we could have seen him get beat down by the secret service. >> stephanie: probably michelle. >> there would have been so many tears coming out of tagg romney never having his ass kicked in
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his life despite deserving it multiple times. >> stephanie: romney asserts everything he says is right. he doesn't know how he will pay for his own tax plan. you said i'll pick a number. how the [ bleep ] can he get away with that? that means he doesn't know what it will be. he knows the math won't work. >> if he had a number, he would share the number. the only way it works is if the number is possibly -- even if the number was zero, i don't think it works. but certainly, it doesn't work -- i think it can at 17,000 which was the first thing that he said, it was like $3.3 trillion short and then at $25,000, i think it is something like 3.5 to $3.7 trillion short in covering the tax cut. >> stephanie: it was like paul ryan saying on fox that he hadn't run the numbers yet. on the budget. >> yeah. >> stephanie: romney was like let me pick a number.
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let's pick a number. >> i love the whole i'll work with congress part of it. >> stephanie: sure you will. >> didn't obama try that with healthcare reform? wasn't the first part of it was -- well, let's let congress see what they come up with. congress is finally saying no. give us something! we need something we can argue over. we can't do that ourselves on something this big. >> stephanie: that's why you gave the president a bit of advice for debate the third tonight that the president has yet to talk about how republican obstructionism has prevented his promises from being passed or implemented. when romney says you didn't get immigration reform done. as if -- yeah, as if he got one republican vote on that. >> in fact, where it was an immigration bill that was introduced in december 2009, it was introduced by a member of the house, a democratic member. and it was seen as dead on arrival. every immigration reform bill, he brought -- he was right. he did bring congressional
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leaders in mid 2009 to say how can we get this done? >> stephanie: yep. i love your piece on note to conservatives, barack obama is not a liberal. i've said this over and over. he never had a liberal -- he was elected as a centrist. he governed as a centrist. you said there's no longer space for moderates to be called moderates. if you think rich people should pay a little more in taxes and the government should well govern you're a liberal. that's what it's come to mean to be a liberal. >> if you deviate from conservative dogma that makes you a liberal. as i point out there someone like daniel fromme or sullivan who are still conservative but are obama supporting but are not crazy conservatives. they are now considered liberal. and shunned by the right. >> stephanie: yep. quickly before you go, honey what are you looking forward to tonight? how is this iran news going to
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impact it? mitt romney will just talk -- >> obama will come back and challenge him to say are you just going to start bombing again? let me leave you with one thought. this is -- i wrote about this in my new edition of my book, the rude pundit's almanac 2012, the reason -- the way to understand mitt romney is this... mormons aren't allowed to masturbate. [ laughter ] when you look at him tonight you think about that and then you'll see i understand it all now. >> stephanie: he's a little tightly wound. right back on "the stephanie miller show." decide the election. current tv presents special event coverage
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of the presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation.
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what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ ♪
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[ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. >> relax. this is just temporary. like lesbianism at women's colleges. [ laughing ] >> stephanie: this is the >> this dessert menu is funnier than -- >> stephanie miller. >> you but funnier than the cocktail napkin. >> they're blank. >> but there are two k sounds in cocktail. >> yes, there are. >> stephanie: 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. joe in chicago you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi joe. hello, joe. >> caller: yes. i wanted to bring up the issue of why everybody's so mad after romney's first debate. >> stephanie: yes. >> the reason is that mitt romney is such a horrible person that represents just despicable
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policies along with the whole g.o.p. and obama should have been foaming at the mouth right out of the gate to make the points loud and clear. he has not even brought up the fact that romney has not released his tax returns has hundreds of millions of dollars stashed overseas and claims it is not done to any financial benefit on his part when everybody knows you put money overseas to evade taxes and criminal activity. every hour the democrats should be saying you can't trust this guy, he's hiding something that clearly is immoral and illegal and until he releases his tax returns, we have to assume he's hiding something. >> stephanie: well, you can't say it is illegal. >> because you don't have any evidence. >> stephanie: which is exactly why he doesn't -- >> caller: when people hide something, they're hiding something that they don't want to show. >> stephanie: i gotta say you act exactly like mitt romney does. you get all huffy about people asking. >> caller: but obama hasn't done this yet publicly. >> stephanie: i think he has. he's definitely talked about
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mitt romney not releasing tax returns and his overseas accounts. the campaign has. but again, you know, i was thinking that. of course, all of that stuff we love to see come up. it is a foreign policy debate. without making look like you're wedging something in about bain or his taxes. >> i dare say that -- >> switzerland is foreign. cayman islands are foreign. bermuda is foreign. >> stephanie: mitt, what is your policy on certain foreign places. remember you picked a number. let's pick a country. switzerland. cayman islands. what is your policy? >> 2009 tax returns that's when the big swiss bank account amnesty happened. >> stephanie: thank you. i'll bet you he has -- >> he doesn't want that revealed. >> stephanie: i'll bet you he has romnesia about it. >> do we know about the amnesty when it happened? that would be a terrible furor if we actually knew about it. >> stephanie: especially if we had known someone running for
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president was covered under that. the president on the campaign trail. >> obama: he's changing up so much and backtracking and side-stepping, we've gotta name this condition that he's going through. [ laughter ] >> obama: i think it's called romnesia. good news. obama care covers pre-existing conditions! >> snap! >> stephanie:el he went through all of these -- romnesia, equal pay contraception, tax cuts for the rich. >> you have that? >> obama: to say you're for equal pay for equal work but you keep refusing to say you would sign a bill, you might have romnesia. if you say women should have access to contraceptive care but you support legislation that would let your employer deny you contraceptive care you might have a case of romnesia.
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>> stephanie: right on cue. when the president says something effective, mitt romney whines like a little -- mitt romney accuses the president of pettiness for using the term romnesia. >> it is effective because it is all true. >> stephanie: speaking at a rally, he said obama has become -- has become the incredible shrinking campaign. >> in what way? >> no. >> stephanie: at the end of the day and saw his opponent and embrace the term romnesia. they've been reduced to silly word attacks. it has become the incredibly shrinking campaign. they keep talking about smaller and smaller things. we have big bold ideas. >> stephanie: horrible ideas. yes, they are big and bold. >> you know who else had big ideas? hitler. >> 38 minutes into the show. ladies and gentlemen. >> stephanie: that's a new record. >> you get that news busters?
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>> stephanie: let's go to rich in florida. hi rich. welcome. >> caller: how you doing? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: i want to make a statement as far as this economy goes, we've gotta remember that it's going to take 20 years to dig us out of the hole that bush dug for us financially. it can't happen in four years. >> stephanie: by the way rich, any economist will tell you that. bill clinton made a good case for this. he'll tell you that. he said that at the democratic convention. >> the rest of the people in this country that support romney need to wake up. this guy is a total lunatic excuse me ternalnology here -- my ternalnology here. >> stephanie: rick, there was a great piece. business insider magazine. a ton of charts and graphs, everything is getting better. the housing market, the unemployment rate, it is literally -- >> ann: stop it. >> stephanie: that's their campaign. >> ann: stop it.
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>> just don't talk about it. >> seriously. >> business insider, they would know. they're inside business. >> stephanie: right. that's what i'm told. hence the name. >> stephanie: laura in pennsylvania, your you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: hello, stephanie. how you doing? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: good. i got a call last week i tried to get in touch with you but you were really busy. anyway, i'm in pennsylvania and it was from new york. now, here's the thing. she says to me -- she says do you mind if i ask you a few questions? she says about the senate? i said sure. she says are you voting november 6th? i said absolutely. she said would you tell me your age? i said i'm in my 70s. she says are you voting for bob casey or tom smith and i said oh i'm voting for bob casey. and she goes why would you vote for him? what a terrible thing to say.
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this is the way she's talking to me. i said whoa, wait! she said you know they're going to take your medicare and into obama care. i said lady, hold on. don't you talk to me like that number one. >> yeah! >> caller: number two i'm knowledgeable on politics and you're lying. let me tell you something if anybody gets in the white house and it wasn't president obama it will be the koch brothers. they already said they're going to break the unions and everybody is going to have to work minimum wage. do you know he gave bachmann $25,000? >> stephanie: yep. i feel sorry for the robo caller that gets you. that's not a happy day. >> caller: get somebody up. i want to talk to them. >> stephanie: good for you. >> you are more than welcome to call anytime. >> stephanie: we love you. >> she should answer all of the robo calls in the country. >> don't you talk to me like that. and another thing! you're lying. >> stephanie: all right. or if you were -- to call the
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john and pam show by mistake that would be, you know -- ♪ from ohio ♪ ♪ it's the john and pam show ♪ ♪ it's the john and pam john and pam john and pam show ♪ >> stephanie: good morning john and pam show. >> good morning everybody. >> good morning, baby cakes. >> hey, we got a problem here in ohio big time with these voting machines that the romneys decided to buy back in july of 2011. >> stephanie: i'm hearing a lot about this. isn't it a company that tad romney -- >> he owns shares in it. >> and the thing is we found some information, it was a strategy investment. >> huh. >> stephanie: i thought it was a blind trust. >> it is. a blind trust but the thing is, stephanie, these machines, there is no way that the public will be able to tell what the counts are because it is -- it can't be
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monitored a bit by -- >> same as 2004. >> and plus it is a strategy that they did. >> stephanie: yeah. i will -- you know what? we should probably get our buddy either brad or greg to see what the latest is on that. let's go to rich in minneapolis. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi rich. >> caller: hi, steph. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: that is really depressing, that last bit of news. something to cheer the right-wingers up, the ones i know say they're not going to vote for obama because of high gas price. i'm at a suburb of minneapolis. i'm look at $3.31 price tag. it is down 60 some cents over the last couple of months. >> stephanie: yep. i love this headline. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] fox agrees the president can't control gas prices. >> now that they're falling. >> at least in 2008 they did. that's weird. that's a near perfect example of
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the hypocrisy of fox. fox was quick to show there was no way a president could lower gas prices and the drilling doesn't help lower prices either. now, however they constantly tout any upward shift in gas prices as one more failing of obama. did they really believe our memories are that short? i think they're counting on that. do you actually have something? >> from 2008. >> stephanie: when things were totally different regarding gas price. here it is. >> just as memorial day weekend begins, gas prices have reached another record high. aaa and the oil price information service say the price of a gallon of regular rose more than 4 cents overnight to $3.87 but it is worse for drivers in alaska, connecticut california new york and illinois where the average price is already more than $4 a gallon. analysts say with global oil prices continuing to climb to new highs pump prices throughout the rest of the u.s. could soon well above the $4 barrier as well. >> one of the problems that
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we've had for a number of years with the media and the entire media mostly journalists is that these charges get put out there against the bush administration or someone else and journalists don't really examine the substance of it like we do during a political nature. at least in "the washington post" and sometimes on o'reilly with his reality check on this channel, they look at certain claims or promises to see what the facts are behind them. the facts are no president has the power to increase or to lower gas prices. those are market forces. >> you're absolutely right. >> wait a minute! it is completely different. [ applause ] >> stephanie: thank you. okay. 45 minutes after the hour. >> they must hate it when we throw their own crap back in their face. >> stephanie: 45 minutes after the hour. >> la, la, la, la, i don't hear you. >> you know they listen. >> stephanie: okay. just like i created the bogus job number. 45 minutes after the hour.
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right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> oh, god! that feels weird and good all at once. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show."
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[ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence. are you in good hands? build a ground-breaking car. good. now build a time machine. go here, find someone who can build a futuristic dash board display. bring future guy back. watch him build a tft display like nothing you've ever seen. get him to explain exactly what that is. the thin film transistor display... [ male announcer ] mmm, maybe not. just show it. customize the dash give it park assist. the fuel efficiency flower thing. send future guy home his work here is done. destroy time machine.
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win some awards, send in brady. that's how you do it. easy.
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unwrap your paradise. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. almond joy and mounds. unwrap paradise.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ] ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. eric boehlert from media matters joins us at the top of the hour for right-wing world. chris rock tweeted i'm not sure america's ready for a rich, white homophobic man who doesn't
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like women and has a sincerely shady business background. i do think -- as i've said before -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] well i think god wants barack obama to be president. my point is -- not only did mitt romney make a -- biggest boner in the last debate about libya -- i don't know if he just watches fox news. now if he's watching fox news, here's the headline. libya attack may be caused by -- wait for it, anti-muslim video. >> we've got that coming up in right-wing world. >> why can't it be both? >> it was explained. >> stephanie: geraldo said that. they started -- >> he was quickly whisked into the cornfield. >> stephanie: they were beginning to -- the right wing is beginning to reverse itself on insisting the youtube video had nothing to do with the attack in libya.
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republicans and fox news have scorned the obama administration for weeks for initial statements -- again i don't get where the controversy has been from day one. this has been a confusing situation. as they've said over and over, they've given the best intelligence they had at the time. it is like -- >> it is also a very complex situation that wasn't caused by one thing or another. >> stephanie: somebody on "meet the press" said sometimes flash mobs become this. >> exactly. >> either has to be black or white. fox news traffics it. >> there is no ambiguity of any kind. >> no complications. just black and white. >> they're still trying to pretend he the wasn't talking about benghazi in the rose garden. what else would he have been talking about? >> stephanie: he was flat wrong. anyway, so yeah, geraldo rivera said steve ducey mocked the notion -- >> that's crazy. >> stephanie: the video was an impetus. rivera presented the idea it was
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both a reaction to the video and a terrorist attack. the hosts quickly attempted to pull rivera back. several reports cut through the simplicity of the talking points. reuters met with the guy the leader and the suspected militia that was -- you know, behind the attack. he said the attack gree out of a protest -- grew out of a protest against the video. this was being reported earlier. that some witnesses at the scene said the attacker said it was -- because of the video. so anyway -- i think they've always said the same thing. the investigation is not complete. >> right. >> just cool your jets. hold your water. >> stephanie: exactly. talk about politicizing a tragedy. thank you, darrell issa. >> again? wow. >> stephanie: do you see what he did? [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] this is just incredible. >> disclosing the name of libya nationals that could put them in danger. play politics in time for the
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debate tonight. several names of libyans working with u.s. officials were contained in the 166 pages of documents the house oversight committee which issa released friday. top congressional democrats accused issa of drumming up negative coverage for the obama administration on the head of the final debate. >> if those guys get killed, it will be because of darrell issa. >> stephanie: senator john kerry said it is a moment of real incompetence and irresponsibility. the oversight has exposed libya nationals to possible danger. this is irreresponsible inexcusable, worst of all, entirely avoidable. it is profoundly against america's interests in a difficult region. it is bad enough it is becoming a political side show presumably driven by the calendar of monday's upcoming presidential debate. even worse in their rush to make shust, if exposed libyans working side by side with americans. representative elijah cummings said it would be an extremely great consequence of isa's
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actions if people are harmed and they're able to escape justice. is that not treason? >> absolutely. >> stephanie: what happens if the people -- they want to deny the president another foreign policy victory by catching the perpetrators of this. if they blew the investigation so now we can't catch the people who did it. then go look how incompetent the obama administration is. >> they should parachute darrell issa in with a rusty nailfile and nothing else. >> it shows that darrell issa hates america. >> stephanie: robert in illinois. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi robert. hi robert. >> nowhere near his phone. >> stephanie: bob in north carolina. hi bob. >> caller: good morning, stephanie. i really appreciate you and your staff. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i've only on you -- i've had bill maher on forever. i'm retired navy veteran. i joined in vietnam. i wasn't drafted.
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i'm a retired forest instructor. there are so many things i would like to speak about keeping with tonight's topic. i think veterans, mothers of veterans soldiers from every war should be outraged while ann romney says equating serving in a mormon mission is equal to service to your country. for the veterans who have lost their lives. that alone should dominate tonight's debate topic of who can we put in theres that going -- that's going to be so willing to send our people to war. taxes to pay for the wars but will not send their children or go themselves. how willing would they be to start the conflicts all over the world? >> stephanie: bob, i've heard a lot of people react like that. that's a good point. nobody is disparaging -- going on a mormon mission. you're not risking your life for your country. >> you can't compare it to military service. you just can't.
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>> stephanie: stop it, ann. stop it. jim in new jersey. you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> ann: stop it. >> stephanie: jim you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: according to mitt, his quote-unquote blind trust is a lot like himself. it is neither blind nor trustworthy. [ laughter ] and there's 175 jobs he's currently shipping to china through his controlling interest in sensata. 51%. they're all nonunion. i would like to say why don't red state working men speak up? this used to be an issue for our country but it isn't. i would like to call out on all americans, especially the south and those respectable -- i'm friends with a lot of people down south. i wish those hard-working men would turn around and say you tricked us. now you're sending out on nonunion jobs. >> and women. >> stephanie: and binders full of women as well.
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>> by the way nightingale moseby makes a good point. romney is not exactly over the moon about obama coining the term romnesia yet obama didn't respond when romney called obama-loney. you know why mitt is mad? because obama-loney didn't take off. >> fell with a thud. >> he was trying to rip on gingrich's pius baloney remarks. >> stephanie: he gets overexcited like an 8-year-old. >> obama-loney. [ wah wah ] >> stephanie: panicky laughter. 58 minutes after the hour. right-wing world next with eric boehlert on "the stephanie miller show." of all of them. there will be lungs on every i'm going to be on with the
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governor tomorrow night. she is awesome. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." [ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: hello current tv land. eric boehlert coming up from media matters to cohost right wing world. jacki schechner getting ready to join us at the plastic table for our last debate special tonight. what are you hoping for? what do you want to see come up or not? >> i think the president has a tremendous advantage now of having led on foreign policy for four years. i would like to see him put romney in his place. but i just -- i just don't know. we're back to the format of the first presidential debate. hopefully the president's ready to fight. but i just don't know. i think romney will come out on
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the same attacks on libya. i think he will hammer on iran and israel and try to pretend he's closer with netanyahu than the president. i don't think it will be anything new. >> stephanie: can bob schieffer call jim lehrer for a lifeline? >> i have hope for schieffer. i had high hopes for lehrer,ú too. schieffer is a really good journalist journalist. i've always had a great appreciation for him. >> yeah, but the same for lehrer. >> stephanie: i'm a little nervous about the milquetoasty old men thing. >> the women kicked butt. >> stephanie: speaking of kick butt women here she is, jacki schechner. >> in advance of tonight's debate, the obama team is working to paint mitt romney as basically reckless and unprepared to lead on global affairs and a new web video almost five minutes long, it features interviews with a series of high-level experts including former secretary of state madeline albite who says that romney is just not ready to
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be in charge of national security. >> governor romney, what worries me is just a series of statements that show that he's not ready for prime time in terms of national security. >> not a bad way to go for team obama. if you think it is weird the polls are tied at this point and many of us do, we're not alone. "the washington post" reports that people around the world expect president obama to win and may even be totally unprepared for the alternative. president obama very popular abroad. annual survey from trans-atlantic trends was released last month shows 82% of europeans have a favorable opinion of the president. and if europeans could vote in the u.s. election, they would pick president obama over mitt romney 75% to 8%. this is interesting considering how unpopular we were abroad during the bush presidency. the post says people in china appear to be paying attention to our election but not who may or
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may not win. they're paying attention to all of the tough rhetoric. we're back with more steph after the break. stay with us. >>brought to you by geico. 15 minutes could save 15% or more on car insurance. visit for a free rate quote.
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>>the only thing that can save america now: current television. >>join the debate now. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladies and >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." no, no it is not a test pattern. just reince priebus on tv. >> you can see him whining. >> stephanie: six minutes after the hour. he is prewhining before the debate. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere.
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>> like joe mccarth mccarthy's challenged younger brother. >> stephanie: 1-800-steph-12. happy debate night. i'm wearing my boogidy boogidy cheese in honor of aisha tyler for sexy liberal palooza this weekend in new york city at the beacon. everybody should get on a bus train or hovercraft and come into nyc for the big beacon theatre show. go to >> you can drive hovercrafts on broadway? >> they can try to cross the park without actually -- >> that's true. >> stephanie: we'll see. let's do it. eric boehlert from media matters doing the lord's work as usual. ♪ hurt's so good ♪ >> eric boehlert. >> stephanie: let's dive into the right-wing world. >> i don't know what that means. >> stephanie: eric boehlert from media matters who we love. ♪ hurts so good ♪
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>> stephanie: good morning eric boehlert. you say monday's debate should be entertaining. think progress on how romney's latest attack on libya is completely falling apart. just in time for tonight's debate. >> just in time for the sit down on the foreign affairs. you know it is interesting. after last tuesday's debate, this sort of -- the moment everyone was talking about the showdown about benghazi and candy crowley mentioned that obama had referred to acts of terror in the rose garden the day after but there was a report last week about noting that the romney campaign had basically dropped the topic. they put out this little online video but in terms of the stump speech and stuff like that so i think they realized that probably -- it probably wasn't the best way to go. since the debate, we've had reports in "the washington post," "new york times," "wall street journal," reuters all reporting about how the white house -- you know, this whole cover-up conspiracy is based on the idea the white house knew
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instantly that benghazi attack was an act of terror and that -- u.n. ambassador to the u.s. lied because of the campaign and so embarrassed that you know, this might have been a terrorist attack. all of the newspaper reports i mentioned have all detailed how there was -- the intelligence assessments were changing. and no one told susan rice that they no longer thought it was just a local protest. they thought it was an act of terror. so the wider allegation of a cover-up has been completely undercut by all of the news reports from the reports from the intelligence community. i'm not sure what romney is going to hang his attack on tonight. >> stephanie: they said it had nothing to do with the video. of course, now reports are coming up it did have something to do with the video. >> "los angeles times" reporting, i think it was the report that said witnesses on the ground talked about how that local protest was spurred by
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anger at the video. obviously what happened in libya was much different than what happened in cairo massive protests and obviously the one in benghazi turned violent. but -- the "wall street journal" today reporting that the early assessments were all stressed, this notion about protests and not a planned al-qaeda attack. in fact, to this date, there is virtually no intelligence reports i've seen that suggest it was the al-qaeda attack. it was a combination of two or three things. >> stephanie: right. >> that's what unfolded. so again the fox news conspiracy which is the one romney used and walked right into a trap at the debate is that obama a never called -- never mentioned terror and that the obama white house knew all along this wasn't an act -- was an act of terror. both of those have proven to be untrue. where does that leave romney at
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the debate? >> tagg has decided to punch the entire intelligence community. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: by the way so i've been talking people down off the ledge eric. as you say everybody is panicking. the gender gap has completely disappeared. as you say obama up 17% with likely women voters. binders full of them, right? >> yeah. there was one really -- we talked about this last week. seemed to be one really bad u.s.a. gallup swing state poll. basically, romney and obama tied and there was lots of -- there was lots of problems with all -- with that poll in many different ways. the ohio poll today "new york times" i think it was, i think it is obama up 17. i mean every major poll shows him with a clear lead. but you know, if you're gallup and you have romney plus seven that's news.
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if you're for "usa today" and there's no longer a gender gap that's news. we've seen that pattern for months and months. if you want to be a pollster, put out -- put out a poll that's bad news for obama and you will be in the headlines. >> stephanie: exactly. by the way i haven't gotten to this yet. you tweeted about it first. not only did utah's leading g.o.p. newspaper endorse obama it eviscerated mitt, worthy of mistrust. come on. >> that was kind of shocking. yes, this is a paper that endorsed obama in 2008 but honestly, who didn't if you go back and look at the newspapers. but this is a newspaper that endorsed w. bush in 2000 and 2004. utah's one of the reddest of red states. obviously it's the home of mormonism in america. and editorial said we want to -- we want to endorse mitt romney. we know him. we respect what he did -- he saved our olympics.
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called him shameless saying unworthy of trust. basically saying we have no -- >> this is a newspaper a community that has known mitt romney for decades. the editorial was we have no idea what this guy stands for. we literally don't know what his position is. >> stephanie: i think the headline was too many mitts. >> four, five, six seven. >> stephanie: let's dive into the right-wing world. peter johnson wow! he's named peter johnson. let's start with that. [ ♪ circus ♪ ] fox news legal expert. >> did we trade off and i have no evidence for this, did we trade off the lives of our ambassador and three our americans for that crowd? were we afraid to fire into that crowd from above? were we afraid to take on the militants in that crowd for killing other folks that were on the perimeter? were these people expendable as part of a middle east foreign
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policy? >> santa claus were to fight spider-man, who would win? >> you have no evidence for this. >> stephanie: that must have been the president's policy to have our ambassador killed. seriously? >> noted national guerrilla fighter johnson. yeah, you know, that's really disgraceful and disgusting and you know, my whole thing with this benghazi -- you know, obviously questions should be raised. obviously there is hearings and people need to find out what happened. but my god. fox news has been on this every hour for 45 days. this is the same channel that didn't care that we spent $3 trillion on a war based on a lie. i mean for them to pretend this is like the biggest national security cover-up of all time. this is the biggest intelligence failure ever is just to completely flush eight years of the bush administration which
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was built on foreign policy, national security failures and lies. >> stephanie: eric, we were saying -- speaking of disgusting how about darrell issa for political purposes, putting literally people in danger by releasing -- >> oh, right. they rushed this recessed hearing. they had to try to embarrass the white house before the election and there's -- you know, it is like the keystone cops. they're spilling you know, c.i.a. secrets out in public. and you know, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. the whole hearing itself was this complete bust. >> stephanie: yep. all right. uma on -- i haven't heard from her in awhile. on fox news sunday. wow, she must have -- has she been watching tv? didn't watch the last debate? >> why did the president wait two weeks before actually calling this a -- not even calling it a -- saying it could be terrorist related? >> he didn't.
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>> why has the white house taken so long to make that proclamation when the evidence suggests there is swealings that shows that people were monitoring this situation in real time. >> bless herr heart. >> stephanie: she's a little straggler, huh eric? >> not like everyone wasn't talking about the rose garden transcripts from the day after the benghazi attack. but it is important to note, media matters noted, the night of the debate and the days after, there is absolutely people on the right jennifer ruben from "the washington post" was on cnn, reliable sources over the weekend. denying the fact that obama said acts of terror in the rose garden the day after the benghazi attack. just claiming he did not say it. it is not on video. it is not on transcripts. oh oh, well maybe he said it but he didn't say it in the context -- next sentence refers to the four killed in benghazi. the only reason obama was in the rose garden that day was to talk
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about the terror attacks in benghazi. how can that not be a context? these people are delusional. >> i thought he was talking about the hindenburg. >> stephanie: bad timing for the debate tonight. peter ducey, did you hear about this? this is pretty much undermining weeks of fox reporting. >> "the new york times" caught up with abu at a luxury hotel in libya. he said he was trying to break up a traffic jam near the consulate and he was not participating in the raid but that the attack was tied to that anti-islamic video and that members of -- are "good people with good goals" which are trying to implement islamic law. sources say just because mr. quality alla is with it, does not mean that al-qaeda was not involved. >> he might have taken peter out back to the woodshed when he got home. >> left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. >> yeah. >> "l.a. times," "washington post," "new york times,"
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reuters, "wall street journal," they're all reporting in the last four or five, six days that the intelligence community absolutely told the white house that this was based on a protest and it wasn't days later until after susan rice went on tv. it is across the board. everyone is saying the same thing. at some point i guess fox news sort of has to dip its toe into the real world. it is embarrassing because even when they do, four to six hours later, everyone is back on the air saying it is a big cover-up. >> stephanie: eric boehlert remains in the sidecar. we continue with right-wing world right after this on "the stephanie miller show." >> it's really weird but it is also the coolest thing i've ever heard in my whole life. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." (vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium
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yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage.
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then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] safe driving bonus check? what is that? so weird, right? my agent, tom, said... [ voice of dennis ] ...only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident-free... ...but i'm a woman. maybe it's a misprint. does it look like a misprint? ok. what i was trying... [ voice of dennis ] silence. ♪ ♪ ask an allstate agent about the safe driving bonus check. are you in good hands? the natural energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go!
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♪ stephanie miller ♪ workin' up a sweat ♪ ♪ come on, girl, let's go ♪ ♪ push it, push it good ♪ >> stephanie: only jokes forethe commercial breaks. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. actress melissa fit jerald live in studio with us. she has a new web series chasing the hill. there is a link up on >> thank you. >> and on the facebook page. >> stephanie: i was up all night doing that for you. >> thank you so much. >> stephanie: big foreign policy debate is tonight. i love this part of the story. critics have accused romney of relying on generalities. he's harping back to reagan's peace doctrine. he hasn't provided any specifics on anything. i'll be more reagany. >> i'm up for goodness and niceness and powerful americany
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things. and pancakes and trees that are the right height. >> stephanie: and sport. >> i'm into sport. i don't know if you knew that. >> speaking of which -- peter pointed out tonight's big baseball and football night. i wonder if the viewership is going to suffer. >> stephanie: oh. >> there's like a big -- big something or other in baseball tonight. >> really? why don't they postpone that? i'm serious. >> stephanie: melissa fitzgerald wrinkles her nose at you in disgust. see that? >> i like sports, too but come on. this is the biggest event ever. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: we can talk about polls. may be time to throw them all out. i may have to send you back out because when i had you down the road -- >> i'm going back out. i'm going back out. i e-mailed the campaign last night. >> cool. >> a friend of mine who was a
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congressman, the first iraq vet to serve in congress was in iowa and he called me from the road because i think the state treasurer's last name is fitzgerald and he said you people are everywhere. how is it out there? pretty good. i said do you need me to get out? yeah! i'm going back out. >> stephanie: poll in ohio, the ppp poll has him up 1 point 49 to 48. the pollsters said the most recent polls in florida virginia, wisconsin have all found the candidates within two points of each other. it is a little stressful. >> we have to get the vote out. >> stephanie: you can't say it enough. especially when there are stories like this. republicans disavow a man nabbed in voter reform obstruction. i'm sure it was an accident that they were probically democratic registration forms. >> only happens to democratic ones. >> pennsylvania man arrested on thursday for throwing a completed voter registration form into a dumpster. was released on bond, blah,
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blah blah. the rnc was financing the drive as well as the drives in seven other swing states according to the "l.a. times." the rny guy said they have zero tolerance for voter fraud. they're outraged. >> outraged. they want to liability everybody's vote so they're outraged he got caught, i'm guessing. you idiot! what did we teach you? you don't throw them into a giant dumpster. >> put them in the trunk of a car and go into the swamp. ooh, i said too much. >> give them to jeb bush's buddy to throw into the ocean. what did i say? [ buzzer ] >> t-bone says that tonight detroit is playing chicago on monday night football. so that's another big game that will be going up against the debate. >> football and baseball. >> why? this should not be happening. i think that the country should tune into these debates. i'm totally serious. >> stephanie: melissa would like monday night football canceled. >> just postponed. not canceled.
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>> it could be tuesday night football. >> just once. >> stephanie: all right. tom in california. you're on with the crew. hi tom. >> caller: hi, steph. i enjoy listening to your show. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i'm a blind person. a couple of years ago i sent you an audio clip of a computer clip announcing john boehner. you guys keep -- the media keeps mentioning mitt romney and his blind trust which cracks me up. i'm blind. i have a white cane. when i go somewhere, i know where i'm going. a lot of blind people use blind dogs. i would suggest that mitt romney's blind trust has a white cane and a guide dog to know exactly what he's doing. >> stephanie: thank you, tom. thank you for that. thank you. >> you can trust a blind trust. >> stephanie: that's right. because he was saying -- the audio stuff they do for blind people somehow they agreed with my pronunciation. >> john boner. just saying.
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>> siri says john boner. >> stephanie: siri is always right. prominent southern baptist -- robert jeffris, he told a radio host despite mitt romney being part of a cult, americans should vote for him because president obama is sinful and shakes his first at god in defiance. he's made peace with voting for a mormon despite it being clear that mormon is a cult and whose numbers worship and deny the bible. he said he prefers the mormon to president obama who absolutely repudiates -- i love this, what jesus christ said about key issues like abortion and same-sex marriage which was absolutely nothing. >> jesus said nothing about those things. [ applause ] >> this is a pastor? >> you would think he knows a little something about the bible. >> you would hope. >> stephanie: yeah. i missed that part of the bible where everyone is saying oh, here jesus goes again.
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abortion and gays with the homo marriage. >> homos curse them so they could have lots of abortions. oh wait, that doesn't work. >> stephanie: before romney secured the nomination, he called for the nomination of rick perry because mormon is at heresy at the pit of hell but it is better than the black guy. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. 29 minutes after the hour. representative greg meeks of the house foreign affairs committee. he would be a good person to talk to when there is a foreign policy. oh, did you that on purpose. >> kind of. >> stephanie: that's awesome. he joins us all next on "the stephanie miller show." decide the election. current tv presents special event coverage of the presidential debate.
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with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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[ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah. they don't know it yet but they're gonna fall in love get married, have a couple of kids, [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married they'll find some retirement people who are paid on salary not commission. they'll get straightforward guidance and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. >> we were actually looking for a cheap miller but you're a sexy little trash, the second you started shaking the guys would drop dead. >> stephanie: all those years. >> look at all that that you're doing. >> stephanie: by the way, i'm >> stephanie miller. >> sounds like you could use a little r and r. rum and ritalin. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: billy in texas is going to have to wait. i'm talking to party girl in the studio there. steph. just her nobody else. >> y'all just leave the room because i want to talk to her personally. >> stephanie: billy hang on. you can talk to the pretty girl in a minute. look at me. i'm chopped liver now to billy. all right. >> you used to be the hot chick. >> stephanie: right. see. younger, prettier girl is here. >> hardly. i think he was talking about you. >> stephanie: i will be on the fainting couch.
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all right. it is debate night. we have serious things to talk about. indeed the foreign policy debate. representative is on the house foreign affairs committee and ranking member of the subcommittee on europe and eurasia is joining us now. good morning representative. >> good morning, stephanie. good meeting with you. >> stephanie: that's a fancy bunch of titles you have there. >> well, it is responsibility that we don't take lightly. i'll tell you that. >> stephanie: i bet not. tonight is obviously really important night. not just the last debate. i think really important topics. what do you expect to come up and what do you expect to hear? >> well, you know what? i think that tonight and probably -- you know, mitt romney over and over has failed to show that he's ready to be commander in chief and tonight's -- i think you're going to see -- >> uh-oh. >> stephanie: congressman hello? oh dear.
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>> i don't know what happened there. >> stephanie: sorry. go ahead. >> i think that what you're seeing at tonight's debate, mitt romney's last attempt to show that he is fit to be commander in chief and he's going to fail at it once again. he's failed at it every step of the way thus far and you'll see the president of the united states showing clearly he is the commander in chief and the president of the united states talking about who his foreign policy and the success that he's had whether it is going after al-qaeda and getting osama bin laden, whether it is having a plan to make sure that we bring our troops home from iraq and the plan to move our troops home from afghanistan. he brought our troops home from iraq. talk about how he is bringing our allies together. how those alliances have helped us in the world -- this dangerous world in which we now live in. you'll see the president being commander in chief andule. >> see mitt romney, a little bit all over the place because they he don't know what his foreign
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policy really is. >> stephanie: representative, what do you expect -- obviously romney's worst moment was the libya moment in the last debate. and now, you know, we have new information coming out the video was in part -- had to do with what happened there which is exactly what the administration's been saying all along is the investigation is not complete. mitt romney of course politicizing this from the very beginning before he knew what was happening there. where does he go on this tonight? >> that's a good question. that's what he did in the private meeting where he made the 47% statement that he would politicize any defense issue to try to take advantage of whatever he can. that's exactly what he's done. you know, without having any information, generally when an american is killed, we try to come together. without any information, he immediately tried to politicize it. so if you look at his statements, all the way around, it is just trying to politicize
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national defense. >> stephanie: representative, tonight, we'll find out if at long last he has any decency. when you have chris stevens' father and the navy seals' mother saying stop it, please stop politicizing our loved ones' death. will he try to make more hay out of this? >> you know what? hewe will see. i think the american people will see through it. when i see examples like my colleague in washington, darrell issa letting go of material that can endanger the preme trying to help -- the people trying to help us in benghazi just because he's trying to make a political debate before the election and the debate, it gives me concern about mitt romney and his colleagues, whether they're putting america before politics. it seems as though for them, everything is just about politics and not about the safety of americans. and those allies of people trying to help us. >> stephanie: representative what about that. as you just said, beyond disgusting not just that it can
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put people in danger. what if it ruins our ability to actually find the people who did this and bring them to justice? doesn't that border on treason? >> it is. >> stephanie: this is against the united states. >> you know, i think that something needs to be done. we as members of congress and others we have a responsibility, i think to number one protect those individuals who are trying to help us. number two, there is certain information we don't need to get out there until we know, you know, what the results are. at least start the report but then -- in an accurate manner. elijah cummings is the ranking member on that same committee said what mr. issa has put out there was contradictory information. there was testimony. by various people that he tried to put out one side that had been contradicted by others. that's not the kind of information or the kind of unity we need when we're trying to figure out what took place in benghazi as the president is trying to do. the president is giving
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information as he receives it and as accurate as he receives it. there is no reason, stephanie there's no reason in the world that the president of the united states, that the secretary of state or anybody in the president's administration would have to try to lie or say anything different about what took place. we're all -- everybody who -- every american should be all -- hurt and devastated by the loss of lives that we had in benghazi and all of us should want to be patient and get the truth and then go after those individualsú that committed those horrendous acts against us. that's what wreshed be as americans. not politicizing the issue. not saying you know, it is a democrat or republican issue. these should be issues we focus on collectively as american people. but does mitt romney and ryan and darryls say do that? no. they want to politicize the event. >> stephanie: representative meeks, how do you think iran plays out tonight in the wake of the story in "the new york times"? romney's position just seems to
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be -- you're being too weak on iran unless you haven't bombed them yet. i don't really -- what are we going to hear tonight do you think? >> well, listen, i think that romney is going to have to come out clear on what he would do differently. do you want to make sure that we deploy all kinds -- every piece of diplomacy that we have or do you want to go to war? you tell me. and romney has to decide. what will he do differently than the president has done. what the president has done, he brought together our alliances. our allies and they have put crippling sanctions on iran. so much so that their economy and their currency are falling apart. first time -- devastating eu allies you said ranking member on the european subcommittee, they're working collectively together with the leadership of the united states, crippling iranian's economy and currency.
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and so do you want to make sure that we -- we can try to force them to the table. you want to have a diplomatic or at least a chance to have a diplomatic resolution or is the only answer -- maybe that's what mitt romney is saying. is that the solution? he should say so tonight. >> stephanie: representative, in my mind, he not only has no credibility on foreign policy because of his disastrous foreign trip but secondly because he clearly just wants to say whatever the president has done is wrong even if, as you say, he doesn't have a different policy. he just needs to -- what would he do? send us back into iraq? and essentially he's admitting his policy would be the same on afghanistan. he has no credibility. he just wants to say whatever the president's done, it was not enough. or is not the right way. >> that's correct. if you look at his team, they're a bunch of ideologues, many of whom were part of the former administration that got us into the iraq war irresponsibly and want to take us back to the same policies.
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look at the team that he has around him. many of the same individuals. the same ones. are they going to advise him to take us to war irresponsibly someplace else? you have to look at it. the president may point that out tonight. that should tell you a whole lot. >> stephanie: i'm looking forward to it. we're so thrilled you could take the time to talk to us this morning. we'll talk as the campaign rolls along. >> i look forward to it. >> stephanie: representative gregory meeks. he's got tons of fancy -- you know. you're running for congress in the series. >> you're on a committee for eurasia. >> stephanie: which is totally different than romnesia. >> he's changing up so much and backtracking and side-stepping. we've got to name this condition that he's going through. i think -- i think it is called romnesia. [ cheering ]
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>> obama: obama care covers pre-existing conditions. good news! >> we'll always be at war with romnesia. >> stephanie: seems like it. ♪ he used to laugh ♪ ♪ you used to write ♪ ♪ you used to be against this last night ♪ ♪ your smile is gone ♪ ♪ and save your etch-a-sketch for us to see ♪ ♪ rom nearby is -- romnesia ♪ >> it was i need you by america. >> okay. >> stephanie: thank god for those of us who are old and remember stuff like that.
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we were like bread? >> it was 1972. >> stephanie: something i dry humped to in high school. >> it was '73. >> stephanie: whatever. 45 minutes after the hour. back with melissa fitzgerald. >> i think your show is absolutely vulgar. i think it is sad. we're raising kids to be -- respectful. there's no way you're adding to it. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show."
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller . [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> stephanie miller. ♪ might as well jump ♪ ♪ might as well jump ♪
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♪ jump, jump ♪ ♪ go ahead jump ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." if the election were held in ireland, the president would win by how much? >> 96 to 4%. >> stephanie: we would like only people named fitzgerald to vote. like melissa fitzgerald and her family. oh and obama ahead 70% to 25% among hispanic voters. by the way pennsylvania home girl paul ryan has a question for you. >> pennsylvania, you're going to help us elect mitt romney the next president of the united states, aren't you? >> no. >> no. >> the polls are saying no. and i say no. >> stephanie: my favorite line at the al smith dinner is when he said please take your seats or clint eastwood would yell at them. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: you know clint eastwood's daughter? >> i don't. i know who she is but i don't
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know her. >> stephanie: she will not be voting for romney. caught up with her and she said i happen to be voting for a different man and my dad's daisy. she didn't say that. >> dad yelled at an empty chair. >> dad is really, really old! >> stephanie: wonder if he yells at chairs at thanksgiving. >> uncle joe here! >> and another thing, roosevelt guy -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: oh, boy. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] wow. looks like lance armstrong is getting -- stripped of the seven titles. >> he's getting his ass handed to him. >> stephanie: opening as romney campaign manager. don't they need a new liar? just kidding. >> he shouldn't be stripped. of his titles. >> stephanie: setting the clock for when the teary interview is. the teary marian jones interview? >> i don't think so. >> stephanie: lance armstrong facing charges of bribery in addition to running a doping ring among fellow cyclists.
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uncovered by cbs news, offering a member of an opposing team $50,000 to fix a series of three races. pete rose is going what a [ bleep ] that guy! >> stephanie: sheryl crow, fill in the blank what she's saying. >> i knew it. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all i want to do is punch him in the [ bleep ] >> hey, he had testicular cancer. >> stephanie: that's right. i didn't say that. i said the other thing. >> well, it is hard to tell when you bleep it out. >> stephanie: that's why i said [ bleep ] [ bleep ] you. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i forgot. i promised billy in texas he could talk to the party girl. ♪ bill billy's hangin' around ♪ ♪ from that texas town ♪ ♪ you know who i'm talkin' about ♪ >> stephanie: hi, billy in texas. you're on with the party girl. say hi to melissa.
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>> jim gets to hit on her but i can't even call her pretty? >> stephanie: sure you can. perv out. >> now that obama is flipping out in the polls, the polls don't mean anything. >> stephanie: do you trust any of them? >> the polls don't mean anything. >> stephanie: remember when they showed obama ahead? you said the polls were cooked? >> i've always said the polls don't mean anything. the only poll that matters is on -- is the one on election. >> we've always maintained here on the stephanie miller newscast that national polls don't matter. >> i'm okay with that, too. >> we've said that for eight years now. >> what i find interesting is now that obama is slipping because he's shown so poorly in the debates -- >> stephanie: second one -- do the polls matter that show the second one crushing mitt romney in the debate. >> that's ridiculous. absolutely ridiculous.
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>> stephanie: ahead 20 points. >> look at the body language. >> stephanie: i thought the polls don't matter. >> little boy scout. >> stephanie: in the last debate? >> romney looks like the president. [ laughter ] >> if the president is a lunatic. >> that's how you're picking your president? >> mock me, mock romney. mock any conservative that calls your show. >> stephanie: if you're not going to get many pretty girls if you don't let her talk. >> i end to listen to what they say and to what policies they're putting forth in these debates and whether somebody's body language looks like a president or doesn't look like a president, i think they both looked plenty presidential to me. that doesn't matter to me. what matters to me is the policies. >> in the last debate on benghazi and the big deal that the liberal press made out of it during the week that he actually called it terrorism. if you look at his whole
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statement, he's talking about the video and how we shouldn't -- we shouldn't be putting videos like that out. the video was a problem. >> stephanie: the newest video shows it was a reaction to the video. >> i don't think it was. >> stephanie: you don't. you don't. so you don't care. >> the key point to me is they spoke on the information that they had at the time. and that changes as more information comes forward. >> stephanie: i actually think -- i don't think romney -- >> we're not going to put up with terrorism. well, that's very end of the statement when he's been talking about the video the whole time. he obviously focused on -- >> stephanie: so he said act of terror but it was too late in the statement. i don't think romney looked as presidential as he looked like a rock 'em sock 'em robot. >> we'll talk after the election and see who's laughing then. >> stephanie: all right, we will. >> and that's billy in texas.
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>> stephanie: there you have billy in texas. [ applause ] >> at least he is listening. >> stephanie: apparently more so when we have the pretty girl in. >> that's right! [ laughter ] >> stephanie: let's go to mike in louisiana. you're on with melissa. hi mike. >> caller: my name is mike from louisiana. >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: i'm really confused about why the democrats aren't painting republican party as a billionaire party. they need to eliminate republican party completely and go billionaire party. party of greed. because that's pretty much what it is now. >> stephanie: i think we have, haven't we? >> i think that case has been made. >> stephanie: it has been broughten. >> it has been broughten. >> stephanie: they told us to bring it and we brought it. >> it has been broughten. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: this is somewhat contrasting. heading into the final release republican national committee announced it raised $48 million in september and has $82 million in the bank.
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democratic committee took loans and raised less than half of the rnc's total. disappointing month for romney in the public polls. i was reading a piece at the top of the show that somebody wrote about the difference in how we react. we panic way too easily instead of having the president's back. we were saying the differences -- the liberal pundits went insane after the first debate and piled on obama whereas after the second debate that romney clearly lost, not one republican or commentator said he lost. they all have his back no matter what. that's something i think you know -- >> it has to change a little bit. i think, you know, this is how they win elections. this is how we -- splinter and people don't get excited to vote. and you know that needs to happen on election day. everybody needs to get excited. our people need to get out and vote. >> stephanie: somebody was saying they were watching -- even a lot of the liberal blogs during the first debate. it wasn't that bad. the president made some good
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points. came alive at the end. i felt like people reacting to the overreaction in a lot of ways from -- >> what the hell is he doing? chris matthews stroke. they're reacting. you and i love him. my favorite moment on bill maher when he was screaming. bill maher said this is calm! this is me calm! >> i love the passion. >> stephanie: yeah, i know. >> it's great. but i agree with you. we've got to line up behind our person. especially when our person is doing a great job and he has been a great president who has gotten us back on the right track and we need to applaud him and get excited about that and we need to get out and vote! >> stephanie: she said it. do it, america! melissa fitzgerald chasing the shill her series. check it out at we love you. >> love you guys, too. >> stephanie: come back again soon despite jim. see you tomorrow on "the stephanie miller show."
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